‘Super Sunday’ ~ 02nd May 2010

iFocus Mission 25th Super Sunday was celebrated with enthusiasm amid an atmosphere of learning and leadership on 2nd May 2010 at Andhra Mahila Sabha(AMS), Adikmet, Hyderabad. Age old success secrets were shared, cherished and assimilated by the enthusiastic gathering. Hundreds of mission members participated in the proceedings and were part of the festive occasion.

As per the emerging practice, the Super Sunday started off with power response of recently inducted members. Premiers, Secretaries, Directors assembled on the stage to greet the guests and welcomed everyone to the Super Sunday. Chief Mentor of the mission, Sri Vasudeva Sarma garu joined them to greet one and all. He congratulated the
entrepreneurs at the mission who ventured into businesses recently.

On this special occasion, we started ‘TRAFFIC RAJ’ program as an initiative to combat traffic problems. Main theme of the program is to create awareness on Traffic rules among the people. It is our first Yatra to be held and after that day we started yatras with full of Zeal. We have already started Voter Raj program in 2009. Our iFocus Mission much earlier made every body feel the growing significance of the mission, by guiding the people and all the mission members with huge force.

The country needs people who have an active understanding of the culture of social responsibility, not just work and family

Another program called ‘STUDENT RAJ’ was also initiated. The main theme of the program is to empower students by giving guidance to them on how to over come fear of exams and studies. Nowadays, students are suffering and being discouraged. Many people gathered on that auspicious day to celebrate and share their valuable inputs. Many professionals on that day gave suggestions regarding exams by interacting with them.

It is not the education that gives misery, it is the education that gives courage…

Youth are not Useless they are Used less…